Main problem:
- no artistic freedom
- no new concepts
- no new styles of doing things
- no new artistic movements
- no variety
- no new discoveries about how to do things/ improve things
- movement to non-traditional art
- everything goes (almost)
- only few people still draw/paint focusing on the classical way of beauty (e.g. portrait painting from Renaissance area)
- the fundament of making art might still be the same but the ways of doing things have improved through technology, access to different kind of media (e.g. Mixed Media Art)
Idealisation of human form is dangerous?!
- people who don’t match criteria become abandoned from society
- the ones who match the ideal become successful, powerful
- today being skinny as models in magazines could be the new ideal of human form and this form is especially dangerous because these days even very young people have access to a lot of different kind of media and start to try to be like them because they know about the importance that beauty has on once life
- women in history – beauty was important for saving their place in society; if they were beautiful they could be sure that they would be married to a wealthy man who wanted a beautiful wife
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